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千木良雅弘 (1995) 風化と崩壊-第3世代の応用地質-.近未来社,名古屋,204p.
千木良雅弘 (1998) 災害地質学入門.近未来社,名古屋,206p.
千木良雅弘 (2002) 群発する崩壊-花崗岩と火砕流-.近未来社,名古屋,228p.
千木良雅弘 (2007) 崩壊の場所-大規模崩壊の発生場所予測-.近未来社,名古屋,256p
千木良雅弘 (2013) 深層崩壊-どこが崩れるのか-.近未来社,名古屋,232p


千木良雅弘著(王文能,陳樹群,吳俊鋐 訳) (2011) 大規模崩塌潛感區
(台湾語版「崩壊の場所」)Scientific & Technical Publishing Co., Ltd.,台北,211p.


Osawa H., Matsuura S., Matsushi Y., Okamoto T., 2017. Seasonal change in permeability of surface soils on a slow-moving landslide in a heavy snow region. Engineering Geology 221, 1-9.

Dome Fuji Ice Core Project Members, 2017. State dependence of climatic instability over the past 720,000 years from Antarctic ice cores and climate modeling. Science Advances 3, e1600446.

Yamada M., Mori J., Matsushi Y., 2016. Possible stick-slip behavior before the Rausu landslide inferred from repeating seismic events. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 9038-9044.

Yamada, M., Mangeney A., Matsushi Y., Moretti L. 2016. Estimation of dynamic friction of the Akatani landslide from seismic waveform inversion and numerical simulation. Geophysical Journal International 206, 1479-1486.

松四雄騎・外山 真・松崎浩之・千木良雅弘,2016.土層の生成および輸送速度の決定と土層発達シミュレーションに基づく表層崩壊の発生場および崩土量の予測.地形 37, 427-453.

Matsushi Y., Yamakawa Y., Takami Y., Masaoka N., Kosugi K., 2015. Rainfall-recharge-runoff processes through bedrock groundwater: implications for triggering of deep-seated catastrophic landslides. Proceedings of 10th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Tp1-09.

Watakabe T., Matsushi Y., Chigira M., Tsou C. -Y., Hirata Y., 2015. Characteristics of shallow landslides, soil layer structure and soil properties on hillslopes underlain by granite and hornfels: cases from the disaster on 20 August 2014 at Hiroshima, Japan. Proceedings of 10th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Tp1-P31.

Osawa H., Matsuura S., Okamoto T., Matsushi Y., Terajima T., Shibasaki T., 2015. Effects of snow load on water infiltration in the ground surface layer of a landslide. Proceedings of 10th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Tp1-24.

Sekimoto S., Okumura S., Yashima H., Matsushi Y., Matsuzaki H., Matsumura H., Toyoda A., Oishi K., Matsuda N., Kasugai Y., Sakamoto Y., Nakashima H., Boehnlein D., Coleman R., Lauten G., Leveling A., Mokhov N., Ramberg E., Soha A., Vaziri K., Ninomiya K., Omoto T., Shima T., Takahashi N., Shinohara A., Caffee M.W., Welten K.C., Nishiizumi K., Shibata S., Ohtsuki T. Measurements of production cross sections of 10Be and 26Al by 120 GeV and 392 MeV proton bombardment of 89Y, 159Tb, and natCu targets. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 361, 685-688.

Tsou C-.Y., Chigira M., Matsushi Y., Chen S-.C., 2015. Deep-seated gravitational deformation of mountain slopes caused by river incision in the Central Range, Taiwan: spatial distribution and geological characteristics. Engineering Geology 196, 126-138.

Akiyama S., Hattanji T., Matsushi Y., Matsukura Y., 2015. Dissolution rates of subsoil limestone in a doline on the Akiyoshi-dai Plateau, Japan: an approach from a weathering experiment, hydrological observations, and electrical resistivity tomography. Geomorphology 247,2-9.

Liao X., Chigira M., Matsushi Y., Wu X., 2015. Investigation of water–rock interactions in Cambrian black shale via a flow-through experiment. Applied Geochemistry 51, 65-78.

Matsushi Y., Chigira M., Kosugi K., 2014. Orographic rainfall, deep-seated catastrophic landslides, and landscape evolution: geomorphic hazard assessment in active orogens. Proceedings of INTERPRAEVENT 2014, O-4.

Tsou C-.Y., Chigira M., Matsushi Y., Chen S-.C., 2014. Fluvial incision history that controlled the distribution of landslides in the Central Range of Taiwan. Geomorphology 226, 175-192.

Korup O., Hayakawa Y., Codilean A.T., Matsushi Y., Saito H., Oguchi T., Matsuzaki H., 2014. Japan's sediment flux to the Pacific Ocean revisited. Earth-Science Reviews 135, 1-16.

松四雄騎・松崎浩之・牧野久識, 2014. 宇宙線生成核種による流域削剥速度の決定と地形方程式の検証. 地形 35, 165-185.

八反地剛・松四雄騎・北村裕規・小口千明・八戸昭一・松崎浩之, 2014. 宇宙線生成核種と物質収支法を用いた花崗岩山地の化学的風化速度の推定: 北アルプス芦間川流域の事例. 地形 35, 147-164.

渡壁卓磨・松四雄騎・小玉芳敬・進木美穂・松崎浩之, 2014. 宇宙線生成核種10Beを用いた岩盤侵食河川の下刻速度の推定: 鳥取県小鹿渓谷の例. 地形 35, 131-146.

松四雄騎・松崎浩之・千木良雅弘 (2014): 宇宙線生成核種による山地流域からの長期的土砂生産量の推定. 応用地質 54, 272-280.

Yamada M., Kumagai H., Matsushi Y., Matsuzawa T. (2013): Dynamic landslide processes revealed by broadband seismic records. Geophysical Research Letters 40, 2998-3002.

Chigira, M., Hariyama, T., Yamasaki, S. (2013): Development of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation on a shale dip-slope. Observations from high-quality drill cores. Tectonophysics 605, 104-113. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.04.019

Chigira M., Tsou C. -Y., Matsushi Y., Hiraishi N., Matsuzawa M. (2013): Topographic precursors and geological structures of deep-seated catastrophic landslides caused by Typhoon Talas. Geomorphology 201, 479-493.

Higuchi, K., Chigira, M., Lee, D-. H. (2013): High rates of erosion and rapid weathering in a Plio-Pleistocene mudstone badland, Taiwan. CATENA 106, 68-82.

Yamada M., Matsushi Y., Chigira M., Mori J. (2012): Seismic recordings of the Landslides caused by Typhoon Talas. Geophysical Research Letters 39, L13301. doi:10.1029/2012GL052174

平石成美・千木良雅弘 (2011): 紀伊山地中央部における谷中谷の形成と山体重力変形の発生. 地形 32, 389-409.

Tsou, C.-Y., Feng, Z.-Y., and Chigira, M. (2011): Catastrophic landslide induced by Typhoon Morakot, Shiaolin, Taiwan. Geomorphology, 127, 166-178.

Yamasaki, S. and Chigira, M. (2011): Weathering mechanisms and their effects on landsliding in pelitic schist. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36, 481–494. doi: 10.1002/esp.2067

Chigira, M., Wu, X., Inokuchi, T., and Wang, G. (2010): Landslides induced by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China. Geomorphology, 118, 225-238.


Chigira, M. (2009): September 2005 rain-induced catastrophic rockslides on slopes affected by deep-seated gravitational deformations, Kyushu, southern Japan. Engineering Geology, 108, 1-15.

加藤弘徳,千木良雅弘(2009):中央構造線の地表形態を変化させた四国法皇山脈の重力変形.応用地質,50, 140-150.応用地質学会学会賞受賞.

山崎新太郎・千木良雅弘(2008):泥質片岩の風化メカニズム、および風化と地すべりとの関係について:四国三波川帯の不撹乱ボーリングコアを用いた解析. 地質学雑誌, 114-3, 109-126



Chigira, M., Imai, C., Hijikata, H. (2006): Water percolating behavior indicated by the water chemistry within a decomposed granite slope, central Japan. Engineering Geology, 84, 84-97.

Chigira, M., Yagi, H. (2005): Geological and geomorphological characteristics of landslides triggered by the 2004 Mid Niigta prefecture earthquake in Japan. Engineering Geology, 82, 202-221.




Chigira, M., Yokoyama, O. (2005): Weathering profile of non-welded ignimbrite and the water infiltration behavior within it in relation to the generation of shallow landslides. Engineering Geology, 78, 187-207.

Chigira, M., Duan, F., Yagi, H., Furuya, T., (2004): Using an airborne laser scanner for the identification of shallow landslides and susceptibility assessment in an area of ignimbrite overlain by permeable pyroclastics. Landslides, 1, 203-209.

Sidle, R.C. and Chigira, M.(2004): Landslides and debris flows strike Kyushu, Japan. EOS, 85, 145, 151.



Wang Wen-Neng, Furuya T., and Chigira, M. (2003): Geological and Geomorphological Precursors of the Chiu-fen-erh-shan Landslide Triggered by the Chi-chi Earthquake in Central Taiwan. Engineering Geology, 69, 1-13.

Chigira, M., Wang Wen-Neng, Furuya T., and Kamai, T. (2003): Geological causes and geomorphological precursors of theTsaoling landslide triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan. Engineering Geology, 68, 259-273.

Chigira, M., Nakamoto, M., Nakata, E. (2002): Weathering mechanisms and their effects on the landsliding of ignimbrite subject to vapor-phase crystallization in the Shirakawa pyroclastic flow, northern Japan. Engineering Geology, 66, 111-125.

Chigira, M. (2002): Geologic factors contributing to landslide generation in a pyroclastic area: August 1998 Nishigo Village, Japan. Geomorphology 46, 117-128



Chigira, M, (2001) Micro-sheeting of granite and its relationship with landsliding specifically after the heavy rainstorm in June 1999, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Engineering Geology. 59, 219-231.

Chigira, M. (2000): Geological structures of large landslides in Japan. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 2000, 22, 497-504.


Chigira, M. and Oyama, T. (1999): Mechanism and effect of chemical weathering of soft sedimentary rocks. Engineering Geology, 55, 3-14.

Oyama, T. and Chigira, M. (1999): Weathering rate of mudstone and tuff on old unlined tunnel walls. Engineering Geology, 55, 15-28.

Chigira, M. (1999): Rock Weathering and Its Interdisciplinary Importance. An Introduction. Engineering Geology,55, 2.

大山隆弘, 千木良雅弘, 大村直也, 佐々木和裕,長岡亨(1999):不飽和領域での堆積岩の化学的風化作用-泥岩トンネル坑壁の風化速度と微生物の影響-. 応用地質, 39, 511-523.

Chigira, M. and Chiba, T. (1998): A sequence of landslide, steam explosion, and debris avalanche occurred in May, 1997, at Sumikawa Spa, Akita Prefecture, northern Japan. Natural Disaster Science. 20, 21-31.





Chigira, M. and Kiho, K. (1994): Deep-seated rockslide-avalanches preceeded by mass rock creep of sedimentary rocks in the Akaishi Mountains, central Japan. Engineering Geology, 38, 221-230.

Chigira,M. and Watanabe,M. (1994): Silica precipitation behavior in a flow field with negative temperature gradients. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 99, 15539-15548.

Chigira, M.(1993): Dissolution and oxidation of mudstone under stress. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 30, 60-70.

Chigira, M. (1992): Long-term gravitational deformation of rocks by mass rock creep. Engineering Geology, 32, 157-184.

Chigira, M. and Sone,K. (1991): Chemical weathering mechanisms and their effects on engineering properties of soft sandstone and conglomerate cemented by zeolite in a mountainous area. Engineering Geology, 30, 195-219.

Chigira, M. (1990): A mechanism of chemical weathering of mudstone in a mountainous area. Engineering Geology, 29, 119-138.

千木良雅弘(1988): 泥岩の化学的風化- 新潟県更新統灰爪層の例-.地質学雑誌、94、419-431.

Ishida, T., Chigira, M., and Hibino, S. (1987): Application of the distinct element method for analysis of toppling observed on a fissured rock slope. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 20, 277-283.

千木良雅弘(1985): 結晶片岩の大規模岩盤クリ-プ性地質構造- 関東山地三波川帯大谷地区を例として-.地学雑誌、94、357-380.

千木良雅弘(1985): 結晶片岩の岩盤クリ-プ( その2)- 岩盤クリ-プ性地質構造-.応用地質、26、67-79.

千木良雅弘(1984): 結晶片岩の岩盤クリ-プ( その1)- 関東山地三波川帯の地質構造と地すべり地形との関連-.応用地質、25、182-194.

千木良雅弘(1983): 節理性岩盤表層部に見られるトップリングの性質とその意義. 応用地質、24、9-20.

Chigira,M.(1982). Dry debris flow of pyroclastic fall deposits triggered by the 1978 Izu-Oshima-Kinkai earthquake: the "collapsing" landslide at Nanamawari, Mitaka-Iriya, southern Izu Peninsula. Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 4, 1-32.